Monday, September 21, 2009

Star of the Day!!

Lillian has been waiting all year to be Star of the Day!! I know, I know...the year just started three weeks ago, but you can't explain that to my soon to be 5 year old daughter! :) She was so excited and kept asking Mrs. Sweeden when her turn would be and kept asking me too. I told her it was a rotation list and that she would get her turn soon, but it didn't help. She just knew it would never be her special day!

Finally, the day arrived! She was so eager to get to school this morning and Mrs. Sweeden asked Lillian, "Is there something special about today Lillian?" She was thrilled!!! She gets to be the helper all day- take things to the office for the teacher, move the bean bag for circle time, be the line leader and do everything FIRST! What more could a little girl want for a Monday?
She is a SUPER STAR!!

She looked so grown up today and I was so proud of her! I can't wait to hear all about her day when she gets home from school. I know she will be talking for hours! Love you Lillian!


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