Wednesday, October 7, 2009

School Birthday Party!!!

Today was Lillian's school birthday party and she was so excited when she woke up this morning. I walked in her room and she said, "I am ready!" before I even got the light turned on. She was ready to get to school and get the show started!

Lillian got to wear the birthday crown this morning and all day. Lydia and I got to stay at school this morning for chapel and snack time. It was so much fun watching Lillian say the Pledge of Allegiance this morning and watching her in circle time. We only got to see a portion of circle time this morning because Lydia was being a chatter box and being too loud, so we got sent out to the hall time. I don't remember ever being put in detention when I was in school. ha ha

Finally, the kiddos all lined up and we went to chapel for Blessing of the Animals. Lillian has
chapel every school day, but this was a special time. Each child got to bring a stuffed animal to be blessed and Lillian brought a little doggie this morning that belonged to her friend Lily. Before the blessing, they sang their normal songs. Then, the big was happy birthday time for Lillian. She got to stand in front of the whole school and have all her friends sing to her. She was so excited!

After all the singing and chapel, then we went to snack time. Lillian brought along a cookie cake today for all her friends. It has a guitar on it since she is having a Hannah Montana Rock-N-Roll birthday party this weekend. She was thrilled to share it with all her friends this morning.

This morning was big success considering both girls are having allergy problems. They both look pitiful with red itchy eyes, runny nose and coughs. The doctor told me it was just allergies and it breaks my heart to see them both under the weather on such a special day for Lillian. Darn Texas weather! :) But, I don't think it kept Lillian from enjoying her special day at school!

Now, off to the races for the BIG 5 tomorrow!!!

Love you all!


1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Lillian! We love you! Can't wait until your party! Nikki, Isabella & Marissa
