Friday, April 30, 2010


Lillian had her first Wheel-A-
Thon today at school. She was so excited to ride with her friends, but too scared to ride her bike without training wheels. It hit her yesterday and she said she didn't want to ride her bike. So, mommy had to call in a friend to have a bike with training wheels for Lillian. Thanks Nikki!

But, it was a huge success! Lillian raised $115 for her school and was so proud to go door to door in our neighborhood to ask for sponsorships. She would knock on the door and say, "Hello! I am having a Wheel-A-Thon. Would you like to sponsor me? Anything would be great, but a $100 is too much!" Such a salesperson like her DADDY!!! All the donations went towards updates for her school.

We loaded up bikes, helmets, knee and elbow pads and headed for school this morning. It started at 9:30AM and lasted for 30 minutes. The kiddos just rode around the parking lot marked off by orange cones. My favorite part was the First Aide and Bike Repair Station. So cute and thoughtful! They were all sweaty after the ride and headed inside for a yummy snack. As soon as we finished, then it started raining! Great for preschool, but Kindergarten was after us! Poor babies!

Enjoy the ride and love you all!



PS- And the best part was having Daddy there to share in the moment too!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


I don't know what else to say besides IT IS OVER! Finally, our day arrived! The morning started off bright and early this Texas morning. I was awake officially at 3:15am, but all throughout the night. I just kept checking the redeployment website to make sure Rich was truly coming home this time. We had waited for so long and as most of you know, we waited an extra 10 days due to volcanic activity and then a sandstorm. Everyday I just kept checking to see if he was still coming on that day and then another delay and another one and another one. It started to feel like torture, but there was no one to blame except Mother Nature...really, a VOLCANO???

But, this day was our day! I woke the girls up at 4:30am and we left at 5:00am to head to Fort Hood, Texas. I went into Lillian's room and woke her up first. I said, "Lillian, are you awake?" She said, "No!" I said, "Well, don't scream, but it is time to go get daddy!" She was so excited she jumped right out of bed telling me everything she was going to tell daddy when she saw him. Let's just say Lydia didn't really have the same reaction. She was OUT and was crying so hard when I woke her up. But, we made it through the diaper change and out the door on time!

The morning was chilly and a little windy, but it will be another gorgeous afternoon. We arrived and LTC Haws called me to tell me the plane had indeed landed! YES!!! The ceremony was due to start at 6:15am and it was on time by 10 minutes. The girls were tired and chilly, but somehow we made it through the wait time! It seemed soooo long and the girls were just sitting there looking worn out. The place was busy and kids were everywhere dancing, running around, sleeping and crying. Everyone was on pins and needles!

Then, the buses started to arrive and everyone was cheering and clapping! Lillian just knew her daddy was on bus 3 out of 7, but he turned out to be on bus number....7! They marched in all looking handsome! And we couldn't find Rich to begin with, but it didn't take long. LTC Haws said, "Charge!" and we all went running to our soldier. Rich found us and the hugging and kissing began! The girls were thrilled...okay, Lydia was crying, but she is used to him now. Plus, she is napping! The morning exhausted her and she couldn't make it to 9:00AM!

We spent some time on the parade field and then Rich said, "Let's go home!" We all agreed! We are home now and it feels like he never left! Lydia is napping, Lillian and Rich are playing Wii and now I am going to join them. Lillian hasn't stopped talking or showing Daddy her tricks. She sat down and read a card and Rich said, "Has she read that before?" I told him no and reminded him his little girl can read now. Daddy was impressed! And of course, he thinks Lydia is a chunky monkey and loves her tricks too!

As for me, I am just thrilled to be a family again. I am thinking of all the men and women still to come home and can't wait for their happy reunion too! Now, I am off to enjoy MY FAMILY! Love you all!



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Temple Bloomin Festival

Today we went to the Temple Bloomin' Festival with Jessica and the kiddos. It was a gorgeous day and I know I always say that, but it was! Man, will we miss Texas! But, we went to the carnival to begin the morning. Lydia was finally big enough for her 18 month old self to ride all the little rides. It was awesome and she enjoyed the morning so much with Lillian. They rode the elephant ride, ladybug ride, Ferris wheel twice, merry go round twice, and Lillian still rode some big girl rides too. It was a ton of fun to watch them together smiling and having fun. I think Lydia enjoyed it as much as Lillian!

We also played carnival games and I can honestly say I have never won anything before today. And what did I win? I had to throw this small ball into a small fishbowl to win the prize. And I did! I won a goldfish! YEP! Just what I wanted! :) I looked at Jessica and said, "What just happened?" Isn't that bad? We have a goldfish named Sparkles and now a playmate named Goldie. I don't mind and it is a good thing I don't have to clean out another tank. They can live together! But, Lillian couldn't believe it! I also won a stuffed animal for Lydia too! So, both girls were happy!

Then, we went to the Kids Zone. The girls each rode a pony and the Train Barrel ride. They also had a petting zoo, but we didn't have anytime left in the morning. It was time for a carnival lunch and then home for nap time for Lydia. Lydia barely made it home before passing out in my arms on the way to her room. Poor little thing tries so hard to be the big girl! Her little legs have to work twice as hard to keep up!

What a great morning with our friends and the girls! I just smile every time there is a carnival. Yes, they are expensive. Yes, they are a lot of work. But, man, the smiles make it all worth it in the end to me!



Friday, April 9, 2010


We had a friend of ours and just so happens to be an amazing photographer ( take some wonderful pictures of the girls in the Texas Bluebonnets! This is a TX tradition and we have done them every year we have lived in Texas. Lydia was being a little stinker and her face shows her whole 18 month old attitude. She didn't want to pose, sit, walk, stand or smile. She was just being Lydia in all her glory! But, I love her to pieces just how she is!

Of course, Lillian was on point and being a little model. She enjoys pictures and always has a good time. Sometimes, she gets a little too much into it and I have to bring her back in! hee hee

Susan, the photographer, said Lillian could model for her any day and Lillian was so excited and told me she wants to model in Paris too. My little DIVA! And being a DIVA, she told me the other day while we were at the park, "Mom, you just wasted my time!" All because I didn't have the time to take her down to the duck pond before Lydia's nap. My oh My!

But, it was our last chance for pictures in the TX bluebonnets since we are moving to Kansas in June. We will always look at these pictures and remember Texas with fond memories and hope the Army will station us here again. And thanks Susan for an awesome job! You are the best!

Love you all and Happy Spring!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! This morning started off with a bang as always in the Martin household! The girls were both up early and ready to see what the Easter bunny brought them..and don't you know it was more chocolate! What is this bunny thinking? :)

Lillian loved her Easter basket and was thrilled to tear it all apart! She got The Princess and The Frog movie, Selena Gomez cd, Princess and the Frog Leapster game, lip gloss, chalk with 3d glasses, new shovel for the sand and of course chocolate! Lillian really enjoyed it all! She watched her new movie while having breakfast.

Lydia enjoyed her new remote control puppy, stuffed bunny, chalk with 3d glasses, new shovel for the sand and of course taking her sister's lip gloss. I think she enjoyed that one lip gloss more than anything besides the chocolate and m&ms!

My house officially looks like a chicken coop with all the eggs laying around everywhere from the Easter egg hunts and baskets! :) The girls and I are off to enjoy a morning at church with friends- Lisa and Lily are coming with us! And then we are off to an Easter birthday party! Another great day filled with friends! Happy Easter and love you all!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Chapa's House

Well, what can I say! Another FANTASTIC Easter with the Chapa Family! I have been waiting a whole year to finally get Nina back from getting me first last year with a confetti egg! And I did...sort of! We got each other at the same time! What fun!

Every year we look forward to going to Nina's parents house for Easter. That is every year we are stationed in TX! I plotted and planned and it all came down to us running for each other at the same time and whack! We landed the first confetti eggs and the games began! Everyone running around like mad people in the backyard whacking each other over the head and who loves it the most...kiddos or adults? I am not sure! This is Lillian's favorite part of Easter and she managed to get everyone this year including her sister and I! I have confetti in my hair, in the van and other places! :) I will be seeing confetti showing up for weeks!

Lydia, on the otherhand, didn't like the confetti egg part today. She thought we were all hurt and from the first time Nina whacked me she started crying and didn't stop. I tried to explain it to her, but really, she is only 18 months old. She was so upset, but how sweet! She was taking up for her mama! I will say it is loud, people are running and you can get hurt...Lillian even has a few red scratch marks on her scalp! :) We are too wild for our own good!

We also had a wonderful egg hunt and pinata. Lydia managed to out eat everyone, but not in the healthy way! She had so much chocolate that I was about to vomit. I finally had to cut her off after she was the last one lingering around the open pinata! I can't even tell you all the chocolate she had today and it was all my fault! And to end the night...she decided to poop on the way home from the Chapa's house. And who could blame her with all the junk in her belly! Doesn't sound too bad...but, it was all over the car seat, clothes and down her legs when we pulled into the driveway! UGH!! Is this really part of being a mom on Easter? :)

Now, the girls are both in bed and I am still finding confetti! Good night girls and thanks to Nina and her family for another great Easter! Tomorrow we will see what the Easter bunny brings and I hope it isn't chocolate!!!! Love you all and good night!



Easter Egg-Stravaganza

Happy Easter! Today we went to our church for a Spring Fling. We have gone three years in a row now and have enjoyed each one. We also had our great friends come along too- Jessica, Eric, Jack, Lily and Lisa. It was a gorgeous day in TX and we enjoyed the morning outdoors with our friends!

The church had two bouncers, an inflatable slide and a rock wall. Plus, they hosted a great cookout to include hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and drinks. We all sat outside under a nice shade tree and had our lunch. Of course, the kiddos ate so fast and furious that I didn't get a bite to eat! :) But, Lillian said they had the best hot dogs ever and had two!

Then, the big egg hunt started and it went with a bang! It took about 30 seconds to clear all the Easter eggs. Lydia got one egg and wanted it opened immediately and forgot about the rest of the hunt. By the time I opened one egg for Lydia, Lillian was gone and the hunt was over that fast. We at least got a couple of eggs!

So, now we are resting and getting ready for this afternoon. Watch out Nina! We are ready this year!!!! :)

Love you all!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Growing Up

Lillian was so excited to take me to her school playground today to show off her monkey bar skills. She has been able to do the monkey bars for a little while depending on the park. Some bars are farther apart than others and it is harder for her. But, she mastered the monkey bars at school and was so happy!

She had been asking to take me there, so today we made it! She did a great job and showed me over and over again. Plus, she was thrilled to show her little sister her playground. She showed her the slides, the playhouse, the bouncer, and they even put on a show on stage.

They decided to sing "Wheels on the Bus!" I loved it because Lydia just started doing the hand motions this week! It is adorable watching her grow up and seeing her chubby arms go around and around. They melt my heart!

I only wish I could stop time somehow so Rich could see it all for himself. It is hard to believe he will be home in a couple of weeks. He comes home to two children who have changed so much this past year. I know we can't get the time back, but we will make some new memories with the four of us! Wow! Finally, a family of four! Hurry home honey! We love and miss you!

Enjoy the video and love you all!

