Friday, April 30, 2010


Lillian had her first Wheel-A-
Thon today at school. She was so excited to ride with her friends, but too scared to ride her bike without training wheels. It hit her yesterday and she said she didn't want to ride her bike. So, mommy had to call in a friend to have a bike with training wheels for Lillian. Thanks Nikki!

But, it was a huge success! Lillian raised $115 for her school and was so proud to go door to door in our neighborhood to ask for sponsorships. She would knock on the door and say, "Hello! I am having a Wheel-A-Thon. Would you like to sponsor me? Anything would be great, but a $100 is too much!" Such a salesperson like her DADDY!!! All the donations went towards updates for her school.

We loaded up bikes, helmets, knee and elbow pads and headed for school this morning. It started at 9:30AM and lasted for 30 minutes. The kiddos just rode around the parking lot marked off by orange cones. My favorite part was the First Aide and Bike Repair Station. So cute and thoughtful! They were all sweaty after the ride and headed inside for a yummy snack. As soon as we finished, then it started raining! Great for preschool, but Kindergarten was after us! Poor babies!

Enjoy the ride and love you all!



PS- And the best part was having Daddy there to share in the moment too!

1 comment:

  1. Awe....those are so great! Thank you for being there and taking pics of Abby for me!!! I was sad I couldn't be there myself but makes me happy knowing you were there cheering her on in my place!!! THANK YOU!!! And for carting the bike back and forth!!!!! :)
