Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

We have enjoyed our long weekend and 4th of July holiday! We finally made it to City Market this weekend in downtown KC. It was wonderful to finally find a true Farmer's Market in this area with home grown and local organic food. The tomatoes, cumcumbers and fruit have been delicious! We even lucked out and found beef fed beef, bison and a wonderful selection of ground spices. The girls enjoyed a little train ride and some games too.

Then, we enjoyed a cookout last night with the Reese Family and friends. It was nice to get together to enjoy food and friends. The girls enjoyed meeting some new friends their age and playing with new toys. It was even better not driving and having the girls ride their bikes!

Today we made it to Crown Center to splash in the fountains. The girls were adorable running in between the fountains and some of those shoots spiked high! They were putting buckets on their heads and acting as if they had umbrellas to shelter from the rain. It was a gorgeous Kansas morning and nice to be outside.

After naptime, we made it to the celebration on post at Merritt Lake. The girls rode two little rides, got tattoos, and jumped in bounce houses. We even watched the watermelon eating contest. Those kiddos could eat some watermelon and fast! We are the champions from last year for the water balloon toss contest, but couldn't make it this year. We were meeting some wonderful friends for a BBQ.

The BBQ was great and it was wonderful to sit down to adult conversation. We also found out we are a completely normal family! YES! It was wonderful comparing all of the 6 year old girls and find out we are not the only ones struggling with this age and the drama that comes with being 6 years old! :) And only a little drama...Lydia walked out with finger nail polish all over her! I just prayed it was only on her and not somewhere in the house. Thanks goodness it was just her! Thanks Rebecca and Andy for having us over and opening up your home. We had a blast!

It was a wonderful end to a long weekend. Happy July 4th America! Thanks for all who have served and who are serving our great country!!! Love you all! Be safe!


Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die. ~Dwight D. Eisenhower