Monday, July 27, 2009

Shaking it!

Today was Lillian's second day of VBS. She is hooked and in only one day has picked up a lot of the songs and dance moves. It was darling to watch the children sing and dance this afternoon. Lydia and I only stayed a little while, but enough to melt my heart and see my big girl have so much fun. She really has grown up these past couple of months and it makes me miss those baby years. I am so thrilled she loves church so much and we even played church today. She was the pastor and I was in Children's Church. How can you not adore that in a child? Enjoy the dance moves!

Oh yeah- Lydia has two top teeth now!

Love you all,


PS- Sammy, these videos are for you! :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Lillian's First Day of VBS

Lillian had such a special day today. She went to Vacation Bible School for the first time. She was so excited to go all day today. She woke up excited to go to church and Sunday School this morning and was counting down the minutes until VBS which didn't start until 6:00pm tonight. :) Lillian even told me she was going to take a nap today (which she hasn't since she was 3 years old) because she knew she was staying up late tonight and didn't want to be tired. Do you think she napped? NOPE! She was in her bed singing Hannah Montana and High School Musical songs the whole time she was in her room. Then, she screamed out, "Mommy, I am ready to come out of my bed now. I took a good nap and I am not tired anymore!" What? She never even closed her eyes! She forgets I have a camera in her room and can see her every move! What do you do?

It was perfect timing though because daddy was online and had his camera set up for the first time. We were able to see him for the first time in three months and Lillian was thrilled. She said, "What?" when she saw him for the first time. She didn't understand. I explained how it worked and she told daddy that she liked his room. Rich couldn't see us due to technical difficulties, but we are working on that thanks to the help of a great friend! :) Lillian told me, "I got to see part of Iraq today!" It was so adorable!

Then, it was time to get ready for VBS. Lillian knew what she wanted to wear and how she wanted me to style her hair- with a bow of course. How else in this household? She ate her dinner in 15 minutes including dessert!

Finally, the big moment arrived! We were ready to go to VBS. We got there a few minutes early to register and pay for her VBS t-shirt. Getting a t-shirt is always a big deal for Lillian and she can't wait to wear it. Of course, she told me this afternoon that she didn't get it until the end of the week and that would be okay. But, I took her to her class and she wanted me to stay for a few minutes. Then, she played Duck Duck Goose with her friends and she was off and playing like a big girl. Lydia and I came home for bedtime and I couldn't wait to hear all about when she came home tonight. My friend brought her home because it didn't end until 8:30pm and little sis is in bed by 7:30pm.
I waited and waited and finally she made it home to tell me all about it! She LOVED it and can't wait to go back tomorrow. She was exhausted and was in bed 12 minutes after she arrived home and it was almost 9:00pm. She told me she learned that God was always with her wherever she goes and she learned about Chatter the Chipmunk. She also learned about Flash the Bug and wore boy shoes. I am sure what all this means, but that is all I got out of her in the few minutes she was awake. I am sure I will understand more in the morning light.
So, good night to everyone! Love you all!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Starring Hannah Montana...

Hannah Montana showed up at our house this morning and ROCKED IT OUT LIKE A SUPERSTAR!!! I was amazed at her show and performance. Her dance moves were amazing and I would recommend taking all little girls to her next show! This is her singing her heart out to "Life Is What You Make It", LET'S MAKE IT ROCK!!!

Rock N Roll Lives On!!!

Love you all!


Thursday, July 23, 2009

St Francis School Summer Swim Party!

What a great idea my friend, Nikki, had today! She wanted to get her girls classmates together for a swim party and I tagged along and invited Lillian's friends from preschool too. Our children went to St Francis together this past year. We just had a swim party at our neighborhood pool and had a potluck for lunch. It was a great turnout and Lillian enjoyed seeing all her old classmates. They all went swimming for three hours!

As for me, I walked Lydia around the pool for three hours. Okay, we got our feet wet at times, but then right back out of the pool walking around and around. What am I going to do with this girl? Lydia did have her first watermelon and cantaloupe at the pool and she loved it. Everyone kept commenting on how much Lydia loves her food and how chunky she is! My girl!

We have been in a drought for so long now and wouldn't you know today the raindrops started to fall. It is always my luck to do something outside and it will rain! But, lucky for us, it was just a few drops and that was it for the day. Okay, maybe not lucky for us because we desperately need the rain...but, it can rain now that the party is over! :)

It seems everyone is having a great summer and is looking forward to school starting again in September. We have two classmates who will move away this summer and won't be with us this coming year and Lillian will miss them. I told her it would be her moving next year and moving on to another school. She takes it all in stride and I am proud of her! But, she will miss her St Francis friends!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


HOLA!! Today was another big day in the girl's fascinating lives! :) We went to DORA Live in Austin, Texas! What a fabulous show...okay, so I didn't see much except the lobby. But, Lillian loved the show! We went with Nina and the girls today and some other friends were there too. We were all in our seats and doing well and then the lights went out and the LOUD music came on the speakers. That was about the end of my show! Lydia didn't like it at all and it was an interactive show. You know DORA! So, every time someone screamed, answered a question or cheered, then Lydia started crying. That left me and her in the lobby walking around and up and down stairs. UP and DOWN. UP and DOWN. UP and DOWN. Get the picture? Apparently, there is a term for us- Lobby Walkers. :)

But, Lillian and her friends loved it! They all thought it was a great show and Lillian loved it as much as Sesame Street Live. Diego even showed up with Baby Jaguar! ROAR!! We spent the rest of the day with Lydia taking a long afternoon nap and playing with friends. It was a great time and one we won't forget. Lillian is ready to go back! I don't know about her sister though. Maybe in another year!! ADIOS for now AMIGOS!!
Love you all!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Lydia's First Steps Take 2

Lydia's First Steps

Lydia's First Steps

Hello everyone! Well, what a fantastic day for all of us! Lydia has learned so many new tricks and I am so proud of her. She can now say bye bye and wave good bye too. It is adorable to see her in action and ham it up for everyone. Even the Wal-Mart greeter and cashier. Lillian and I thought all week that she was just babbling bye bye and just waving her little hand when she wanted too, but today she put it all together. And her first moment was.... in Wal-Mart. Good heavens do I shop there enough? Rich would agree with this statement and longs for the day I don't go to Wal-Mart for something! :)

Then, our wonderful friends came to visit us from Pflugerville. It is just an hour down the road. Nina and I have been friends since Rich and I were engaged and none of us had children. Now, we both have two children and both have two girls! The kiddos played so well together and honestly played in Lillian's room for most of the day. We went to the neighborhood pool for an hour, but then all the girls wanted to come home for painting nails, toenails and doing makeup. And you should have seen the makeup! Watch out Tammy Faye!!!

The girls also had a water gun fight too in the backyard. They had lots of fun shooting each other with the water guns and hose. Okay, we we are technically in a water ban, but I forgot for a moment. They were having so much fun playing. :)

Lydia also had another big moment today. She took her first steps all by herself. As you all know, she has been walking holding onto my finger since she was 7 months old. But, today, I had Nina to use! Nina would stand her up and she would walk to me. She wouldn't walk back to Nina in the beginning, but towards the end of the day she would. I was so proud of her for trying today! I am so ready to stand upright again and to stop walking all over this house. She is almost 10 months old now and for the last three months I have done nothing but walk, walk and more walk! :) This is when I miss Rich the most...all these little moments. Plus, I don't have anyone to use to practice walking Lydia back and forth. She won't do it with me and Lillian. Oh well, we just have to keep trying. She is doing fantastic!

So, enjoy the video clip for now. I tried to get it on video, but it was a difficult task. This one was for you honey and I hope you love it. Our little girl is growing up so fast. Can you believe it? She is also clapping now...I forgot to mention that little step. She is clapping for her daddy and saying go daddy go!!! We love you very much honey! We miss you today and for all those special moments!

All our love and more,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

July 4th Pictures

Some great photos from today! Enjoy!!!

July 4th!!!

Happy July 4th!!!! We made it home today from the parade and I was thankful for that...I was a little nervous because I have a little one that wants to walk all over the place and the older one that wants to walk all over the place in a different direction! But, we made it and what fun! The girls got all dressed up in the American Flag dresses and we were ready to go to the parade and wave our American flags.

It was a nice parade and just enough time to not get bored or overheated. It was almost a 100 degrees, but we were so lucky to be outside a friend's house which had a nice big shade tree and the wind was blowing too. Some friends came along with us too which was great! It is so great to spend the morning with friends and I love watching the little faces on the children as the parade goes by. It is so neat to see what excites them.

Lillian was really excited this year for the parade and even woke up at 6:15am! She couldn't wait to see the firetrucks, cheerleaders, princesses (the little girls riding on the back of cars with crowns) and Ronald McDonald. Yes, Ronald McDonald. I said I would never have one of those children who eat there all the time and yes I do. She waved so hard at him- I thought she would break her wrist again! :)

Lydia, well, she just walked me all over the place. AGAIN!! She did sit down to eat. She never misses a meal! We had a picnic lunch there too while the parade was still going by. But, other than that, I walked her around and met so many new people who couldn't get over her blue eyes, adorable chunky legs and the girls matching dresses. I think she will be just as social as her big sister who doesn't know a stranger! Now, I have two to really keep my eyes on!

So, for now, Lydia is napping and Lillian and I are getting ready for the cookout at our friend's house. It will be great to end the day how it started..with friends. Happy July 4th! And thank you honey for calling me today. It was so great to share the day with you and to see how you were doing. We only wish you were here with us and I must say it was a little emotional today. I missed you! And the girls did too! You made the day complete!

By the way, Rich is doing great. He said he is in the midst of day 6 of a sandstorm and no one has flown in days. He sounded great and said he didn't see any "fireworks" today which is fabulous! :) We just talked mostly about the kiddos and he didn't have too many updates. He is just hanging in there and trying to keep his lungs clean from all the dirt and sand blowing in the air. He is thankful for all the packages coming his way and can't wait to get them. Thank you everyone!

Take care and we love everyone!!



Friday, July 3, 2009

Early July 4th!

Happy July 4th everyone! It is the eve of July 4th and the girls are in bed now. I was just thinking of tomorrow and how much fun the day will be. I know the girls don't realize the true meaning of July 4th just yet, but I am trying to teach them day by day. It is especially important considering our circumstances this year. I want them to know how much their daddy sacrifices and will sacrifice for them and their children. I want them to have respect and pride for their country. I know all that will come in time and with age.

So, for now, we keep things simple. We talk about freedom, we talk about daddy and his job, we talk about parades, we talk about cookouts and talk about spending time as a family. That leads to Lillian and I making chicken salad, brownies and a dip for the cookouts tomorrow while Lydia takes her morning nap. It is a time we are looking forward too- being with our friends and watching the parade. I know Lydia won't remember as much as Lillian, but I hope she remembers that we were there with her on her first July 4th. She will see her scrapbook later in life!

So, Rich, I love you and HAPPY JULY 4TH. Thank you for all that you do for us- your family. We miss you dearly and celebrate tomorrow in your honor!! We are so proud of you! Good night!

Love Always and More,



The American flag stands for freedom
The red, white, and blue

It tells of sacrifice for freedom
I beleive in Peace and Unity
Red stands for Power
Our Nation so Strong
White Stands for purity and peace
Blue stands for Happiness

I Am Proud to be An American
I stand Proud and True
I show Respect to the flag
By placing my hand over my heart
a moment of silence

And a quick prayer
for those, who have fallen
for freedom
We are United
We are One Nation
I am Proud to wave our
Flag so freely