Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lydia Turns 18 Months Old

Lydia just turned 18 months old today. And Miss Lillian turns 5 1/2 years old in 18 days. So, today we headed to Portrait Innovations to have some Easter pictures taken for their 1/2 birthdays.

Lydia did pretty well, but of course, her little diva attitude had to come out in the photo shoot. She didn't want to stand. Her legs were just jelly! She only wanted to sit and sit only in the spot she wanted to sit. Then, she fell in love with this white chair and only wanted to sit in that white chair for the rest of the photo shoot. A couple of tantrums later and I eminded myself that Lillian was the same way with pictures at this age! :)

Of course, the original Diva did great! We were able to get a lot of great photographs and she loves performing for others. Sometimes Lillian starts fake smiling and I have to remind her to relax and not to hold her smile for so long. Lillian has enjoyed photographs and did another photo shoot last weekend for another local directory. She got to wear a cheerleader outfit, gymnast outfit, and dance outfit. We are waiting to see those pictures.

Both girls are doing well. Lydia now has added some new vocabulary and can say hi. She also says something similar to Duck when we play Duck Duck Goose. She loves playing that with Lillian! She is so social and her favorite song now is Party in the U.S.A. by Hannah Montana. I can't tell you how many times I have to listen to that song in the car! And she loves to have the window down in the car and it is magical for her now that she can do it all by herself. She is a free spirit!

Lillian is always changing too and growing up too fast. She is enjoying reading now and has mastered level one and now it is time to move up to level 2. But, she doesn't think she is ready. We are working on her self confidence and getting her to believe in herself. She is amazing and just doesn't know all of her capabilities. She will in time. She is a good big sister and Lydia truly does everything her sister does! Good or bad! :)

So, enjoy the pictures. I will have her weight and length later when I take her to the doctor in a week. We love and miss you!

