Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lydia Conquers her Egg Hunt!

I look at Lydia now and see a big girl. It is amazing at how much she has changed just since our move to Fort Leavenworth, KS just 10 months ago. She is starting to lose her baby look and move into toddler time. I know she is a toddler, but it is hard to see your youngest child growing up so fast.

Lydia has a personality bigger than herself! She loves to step into Lillian's shoes, literally, all the time. Lydia thinks she is 6 1/2 years old and I just wish she would slow down and be 2 1/2 years old (minus the tanrums). She is all grown up in her eyes. You can see it in everything she accomplishes too.

We are taking mommy and me swimming lessons right now. She tells me all the time while we are in the pool, "I got it." Yeah right! She thinks she is an Olympic swimmer and doesn't realize the dangers of water. She wants me to stand over by the ropes...let her go by herself in 4 feet of water??? Not happening!

She is a joy to be around and I love her quirks too. She loves to play with her belly button, she loves to say, "What happened?", she loves to swing (and she is actually pumping her legs now too!) and she loves to think she is all grown up.

My little girl enjoyed her Easter egg hunt today at the library. She only took four eggs like we were told and she didn't get upset. There were so many eggs left over, that we got to get some more. Of course, she told me she would eat only one piece of chocolate on the way home. When I unbuckled her car seat, there were about 5 wrappers on the car floor! That hot mess!

Happy Easter Lydia! Don't grow up too fast for mommy! Love you bunches!!


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