Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jungle Jave Birthday Party

Well, today we another eventful day in the life of Lillian and Lydia. Lydia went to Jungle Java for the first time today. It was Ayden's birthday party. Lillian has been once before. We got on the road at 8:15am and I was proud we actually made it out the door on time with everyone dressed, fed and car loaded. We arrived on time too at 9:00am! WHEW!!

Lydia wore a hair bow for the first time today. I know that doesn't sound that exciting to most, but it was too me. She actually had enough hair, barely, but we managed to get it in. It didn't last long after the party started, but enough people saw it to count. Lydia walked me all around Jungle Java and now I know the place pretty well. She even went down a couple of slides and managed to take me through the whole jungle gym. For those of you not familiar with Jungle Java, it is a really nice version of a big play scape. I was on my knees the whole time bent over trying to get through all the nooks. The joys of being 4'11 1/2!!!

Lillian was off to the races too! I am not sure if I saw her at all for the party. She was playing with all her friends and would come to me for water for break time. She ate her pancakes and then went back out again! Lydia ate her share and more than the other children. She ate the rest of her sister's pancakes and a muffin. Remember, we had breakfast before we left the house too! :) Lillian even managed to eat a piece of cake, but not Lydia. I am making her wait until her first birthday no matter how much she cries! :)

The party was a hit and then we went back to Nina's house to let Lydia take a nap. She missed her morning nap and her eyes were glossed over by the time we made it to Nina's house. She then ate lunch for 45 minutes! Yes, ate again!!! Then, finally made it to her nap!! The other girls went swimming and then showtime began. They put on a show for Nina and I and it was from High School Musical. What is with this show and the girls? Lillian loves it and wakes up singing "Something New" in the morning. Needless to say, the show was a hit! They might win an Academy Award someday if they keep practicing!

So, a day of playtime and being with friends! It was so great to be with our great friends today and I only wish we saw them more. They are the reason I enjoy being in Texas so much and bring so much laughter to my life. I read this today and it is so true: "Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

Good night friends!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lydia's 9 Month Old Check Up

Well, Lydia went to her doctor appointment today and what a SHOTS!!! That made Lillian happy..she usually can not stay in the room when Lydia gets her shots. It makes her upset to see Lydia crying, so she goes into another room to wait. Isn't that sweet? Sisterly love!

Lydia weighs 20 lbs now and is 28 inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for both categories. She is definitely a good eater! As you see from the picture, she is still eating in the doctor's office and we just had lunch at the house before we came straight to the doctor's office. She is basically off all baby food now and just wants to eat whatever Lillian is eating including M&Ms. I have given into a lot with the second child, but that she will not get for a while! :) But, you should hear her pitch a fit when she sees Lillian eating something she can not have...she has a temper just like her older sister! She also loves to drink water from her sippy cup and started that new trick a couple of weeks ago.

She is walking everywhere holding onto my little finger and is quite balanced. But, she won't let go of me just yet. But, she won't crawl for a moment! She just holds onto me and we walk this house over and over again. I have walked every square inch about a million times and we are wearing holes in the carpet. :) She has two more top teeth starting to poke through her little gums... I think. The pediatrician thought so too!

Lydia is growing up quickly and following in the steps of her older sister. She is so lost without her while Lillian is in gymnastics and dance. She tried so hard to play with her sister in gymnastics yesterday evening. She kept walking over to her class and I would have to pull her back. I did manage to play with her for a little while on the trampoline. It was her first time and she liked the bouncing motion. She looked a little confused as to why the floor was moving underneath her! :) She follows Lillian everywhere and when she is not home, then we go room to room to try to find her!

I don't want to compare the two, but I will for a moment. :) Lillian was 20 lbs 6 1/4 oz and 28.5 inches long at 9 months old. So, they are really neck in neck in growth. They are so alike and so different in so many ways. Lydia wants to grow up so fast! Lillian ate baby food for a long time well after one and two years of age. But, Lydia is done and wants to move onto big girl food. Lillian had more teeth at this age too. Also, Lillian started walking at 9 1/2 months old and really never walked holding onto my finger. Lydia has been walking holding onto my finger for two months now, but won't let go. It is amazing to watch them! I feel so lucky to have them to watch grow up and they can be their own little person!

As for Lillian, the doctor checked out her wrist too while we were there. It saves me a trip back on Thursday. He said one more week and we can take the splint off! YEAH!! Lillian is thrilled to finally be able to tumble in gymnastics next week! Let's just hope it doesn't happen again for a third time. :0

So, the girls are doing well and growing up this summer! It is amazing what a few months will do and to see all the changes happening to them. Can you believe in just a few short months our youngest daughter will be 1 years old? And by the way, Lydia said her first words... MAMA!! Absolutely perfect!

Love you all!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Camp!!

Today Lillian is heading to her first day of Summer Camp! She is so excited. It is being held at her school (St. Francis Episcopal) and she is ready to go. She is ready to see all of her friends from last year and meet new friends too. They will be doing arts and crafts (Lillian's absolute favorite thing to do in school), painting, bubbles, play dough, water play, nature study and outdoor fun. I told her she could do everything except monkey bars considering her broken wrist. :) We get an X-ray on Thursday to see how it is healing. I know sissy will miss Lillian today. She always walks around the house looking for her in every room when Lillian isn't here. It is too sweet! But, she already misses her! Melt my heart! Off we go to camp! YIPPEE!!!


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Hello everyone! Well, we didn't do too much for Father's Day this year, but we managed to send Rich some really cool presents. He received all of his boxes on time and I was pleased. He enjoyed it all and I think he liked the pictures of me and the girls the best. We had pictures taken of us a couple of weeks ago and framed them for Rich. It was one of his little presents among cookies (not baked by me..not much of a present then), a calendar with pictures and dates for him, handmade cards from the girls and other little goodies.

We even got a call from Rich today. Lillian was thrilled to hear his voice and so was I. We had a nice conversation and then he was off to bed. He was really tired from working all day. But, he did attend a Father's Day breakfast provided by the Army. I thought that was a really nice touch and at least the day was acknowledged. Plus, he was able to attend church. So, I think he had a nice day in Iraq. Is that possible?

It wasn't the same without Rich, but we still managed to have a great day. I am lucky to still be able to share it with the girls. They are both doing well and in bed sleeping now like angels. The house is peaceful and I am all alone in my thoughts.

Lillian and I washed the car today. I know it doesn't sound like fun to most, but this is honestly the first time she has helped me and enjoyed it. We had our bathing suits on and turned the hose on one another. I soaked her and she loved it! She laughed and laughed and was running everywhere in her little bikini! Lydia was alseep during this little playtime.

After washing the car and doing some other little things, Lydia woke up from her nap. We all went to the pool to play in the water. It felt so good today to be there as it was almost 100 degrees! The water was so refreshing and the girls had a great time. Lillian just swims everywhere now and is so confident in the water. Lydia just kept walking back and forth across the top steps in the water with me holding on. It is different this year having them both in the water. My heart pounds a mile a minute and I am a nervous wreck. But, I did say we had FUN! :) Right?

It was a nice day and one spent thinking of daddy! We love daddy so much and we only hope he knows how much he means to us. Next year, we are having a BIG day for daddy! Maybe I should start planning it all know me! :) Love you all!


Happy Father's Day!


Fathers are wonderful people,

too little understood,

And we do not sing their praises

as often as we should,

For Father struggles daily

to live up to his image

As protector and provider

and hero of the scrimmage,

And perhaps that is the reason

we sometimes get the notion

That fathers are not subject

to the thing we call emotion.

But if you look inside Dad's heart,

where no one else can see,

You'll find he's sentimental

and soft as he can be.

Fathers are just wonderful

in a million different ways,

And they merit loving compliments

and accolades of praise,

For the only reason Dad aspires

to fortune and success

Is to make the family proud of him

and bring them happiness,

And like our heavenly Father,

he's a guardian and a guide,

Someone we can count on

to be always on our side.

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there! May your day be special with your family!

And to my wonderful husband, we missed you today! Lillian was so excited to talk to you on the phone this afternoon. Thank you for being who you are and being such a wonderful husband and daddy. We are lucky to have you in our lives! We are proud of the man you are! Forever in love!

Your loving wife,


Our Family of Four

I finally decided to start this blog page for my family after months of somone pushing me to do so! :) It was a great idea and I never thought I would find the time to actually sit at the computer long enough to get something started for our family. So, here I am tonight trying to start this page. It is dedicated to my husband serving in Iraq now and to our wonderful daughters- Lillian and Lydia.

I will start life where it is now. Rich is deployed to Iraq and many of you already know that through my numerous e-mails and updates. He has been deployed since April 28, 2009 and is stationed in Taji. He will be deployed for 12 months. We are still living in TX and stationed at Fort Hood, TX. We have been here for almost 2 years now. This is our second tour at Hood and the first time around it was 5 years.

So, here is our life! Lydia is now 9 months old and Lillian is 4 1/2 years old. I can't believe they both have birthdays comig up soon and our youngest will be 1 years old already. And she even said her first word today.. mama. I can't believe it, but she looks for me and says mama. Even Lillian heard her and said she was asking for me! Time is going by so fast and I just wish I could stop time and let them stay where they are forever! Of course, on the flip side, I wish I could speed time up and Rich would be home! :)

I will continue updating this blog as events happen in our life. This is just the beginning! An update of who we are and where we are! Keep checking in for more!

