Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lydia's 9 Month Old Check Up

Well, Lydia went to her doctor appointment today and what a surprise...no SHOTS!!! That made Lillian happy..she usually can not stay in the room when Lydia gets her shots. It makes her upset to see Lydia crying, so she goes into another room to wait. Isn't that sweet? Sisterly love!

Lydia weighs 20 lbs now and is 28 inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for both categories. She is definitely a good eater! As you see from the picture, she is still eating in the doctor's office and we just had lunch at the house before we came straight to the doctor's office. She is basically off all baby food now and just wants to eat whatever Lillian is eating including M&Ms. I have given into a lot with the second child, but that she will not get for a while! :) But, you should hear her pitch a fit when she sees Lillian eating something she can not have...she has a temper just like her older sister! She also loves to drink water from her sippy cup and started that new trick a couple of weeks ago.

She is walking everywhere holding onto my little finger and is quite balanced. But, she won't let go of me just yet. But, she won't crawl for a moment! She just holds onto me and we walk this house over and over again. I have walked every square inch about a million times and we are wearing holes in the carpet. :) She has two more top teeth starting to poke through her little gums... I think. The pediatrician thought so too!

Lydia is growing up quickly and following in the steps of her older sister. She is so lost without her while Lillian is in gymnastics and dance. She tried so hard to play with her sister in gymnastics yesterday evening. She kept walking over to her class and I would have to pull her back. I did manage to play with her for a little while on the trampoline. It was her first time and she liked the bouncing motion. She looked a little confused as to why the floor was moving underneath her! :) She follows Lillian everywhere and when she is not home, then we go room to room to try to find her!

I don't want to compare the two, but I will for a moment. :) Lillian was 20 lbs 6 1/4 oz and 28.5 inches long at 9 months old. So, they are really neck in neck in growth. They are so alike and so different in so many ways. Lydia wants to grow up so fast! Lillian ate baby food for a long time well after one and two years of age. But, Lydia is done and wants to move onto big girl food. Lillian had more teeth at this age too. Also, Lillian started walking at 9 1/2 months old and really never walked holding onto my finger. Lydia has been walking holding onto my finger for two months now, but won't let go. It is amazing to watch them! I feel so lucky to have them to watch grow up and they can be their own little person!

As for Lillian, the doctor checked out her wrist too while we were there. It saves me a trip back on Thursday. He said one more week and we can take the splint off! YEAH!! Lillian is thrilled to finally be able to tumble in gymnastics next week! Let's just hope it doesn't happen again for a third time. :0

So, the girls are doing well and growing up this summer! It is amazing what a few months will do and to see all the changes happening to them. Can you believe in just a few short months our youngest daughter will be 1 years old? And by the way, Lydia said her first words... MAMA!! Absolutely perfect!

Love you all!


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