Friday, July 17, 2009

Lydia's First Steps

Hello everyone! Well, what a fantastic day for all of us! Lydia has learned so many new tricks and I am so proud of her. She can now say bye bye and wave good bye too. It is adorable to see her in action and ham it up for everyone. Even the Wal-Mart greeter and cashier. Lillian and I thought all week that she was just babbling bye bye and just waving her little hand when she wanted too, but today she put it all together. And her first moment was.... in Wal-Mart. Good heavens do I shop there enough? Rich would agree with this statement and longs for the day I don't go to Wal-Mart for something! :)

Then, our wonderful friends came to visit us from Pflugerville. It is just an hour down the road. Nina and I have been friends since Rich and I were engaged and none of us had children. Now, we both have two children and both have two girls! The kiddos played so well together and honestly played in Lillian's room for most of the day. We went to the neighborhood pool for an hour, but then all the girls wanted to come home for painting nails, toenails and doing makeup. And you should have seen the makeup! Watch out Tammy Faye!!!

The girls also had a water gun fight too in the backyard. They had lots of fun shooting each other with the water guns and hose. Okay, we we are technically in a water ban, but I forgot for a moment. They were having so much fun playing. :)

Lydia also had another big moment today. She took her first steps all by herself. As you all know, she has been walking holding onto my finger since she was 7 months old. But, today, I had Nina to use! Nina would stand her up and she would walk to me. She wouldn't walk back to Nina in the beginning, but towards the end of the day she would. I was so proud of her for trying today! I am so ready to stand upright again and to stop walking all over this house. She is almost 10 months old now and for the last three months I have done nothing but walk, walk and more walk! :) This is when I miss Rich the most...all these little moments. Plus, I don't have anyone to use to practice walking Lydia back and forth. She won't do it with me and Lillian. Oh well, we just have to keep trying. She is doing fantastic!

So, enjoy the video clip for now. I tried to get it on video, but it was a difficult task. This one was for you honey and I hope you love it. Our little girl is growing up so fast. Can you believe it? She is also clapping now...I forgot to mention that little step. She is clapping for her daddy and saying go daddy go!!! We love you very much honey! We miss you today and for all those special moments!

All our love and more,


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