Okay, so Lillian and I made it back outside during naptime for more snow time. But, really, I am typing and can not feel my hands! :) How do you northern guys do this all the time? I am so weak! But, we made it outside for a little over an hour and what fun it was!
Lillian and I made a small, but cute, snow woman. I wish I could have decorated her with make up and earrings just perfect for the Martin girls! But, we were left with a cheese stick for a nose, permanent black marker for the mouth and legos for the eyes and buttons! Just make do with what you have at the moment!
We made snow angels too and even had a snow fight! Lillian is pretty good with aim now and got me right in the face. Of course, I didn't get her back because she is my little girl, but I thought about it! :) ALOT! :)
We even made it across the street to help our neighbors with their snowman! Then, we were getting frost bite and had to come in to warm up! Now, we are in nice comfy clothes and enjoying the heat! Come on Spring!
Well, you all know how much I love the snow...heehee But, it finally arrived in Texas this morning. It rained most of the night and it turned into snow this morning. We should get 3-5 inches today and it does seem likely now. It is still coming down.
We managed to take Lydia out in the snow for her first time this morning. She made it all of ten minutes, but it is so cold for her. She won't wear gloves! But, she did touch the snow and realized how cold it really was! Of course, Lillian loved the snow! She was running around everywhere and wants to go back out there later today. We might try while Lydia is napping although mom is good for one day!
The sunshine is supposed to return tomorrow and I already miss it! I am such a southern girl!
Today we went to Hoppin Hippo to help Alyssa celebrate her 4th birthday. What an adorable place to have a party. There was a tree house, tire swing, dress up, playscape, inflatables and a toddler area too. All the girls enjoyed their time and played so well. Even Lydia had so much to do and stayed busy the whole time. Of course, that meant that mommy was jumping on inflatables and crawling through playscapes, but it was all in the name of love!
All the children just played and ran around laughing! Alyssa looked so adorable in her safari style outfit and her sister was the perfect compliment. They are always so stylish! After running around for an hour or so, then it was time for cake! My oh my did Lydia make a mess! I had to take her dress off just to let her enjoy the cupcake. You should have seen the mess! Then, I picked up the cupcake only to take the wrapper off and she screamed at me and turned her back to me like I had stole the cupcake. She cracks me up! So, after I cleaned her face, she takes off to play again still missing her dress. The life of a second child! :) Or course, big sister just ate the frosting!
We went back to Nina's house to have dinner and pinata time. Lydia was really hanging in there today for her sister. She missed her nap and was still going strong. The children did an art craft and then played outside in the 77 degree weather. It was gorgeous! Lillian and Lydia jumped on the trampoline, went on the swings and went down the slide. They really had fun! And they also enjoyed batting at the pinata...Lillian really has an arm! She was going at that pinata with a vengeance!
And Lydia just ate for six hours straight! You name it she had it! Grapes, chips, strawberries, cupcake, ice cream, mms, pizza ,etc. She didn't stop eating all day long! Even when she finished her plate, then she would move on to the next victim and try to take their food. She is awful! Someone asked me what words she was saying now and I said just mama, yeah and uh oh. Now, I realize why she doesn't say that many words...because she always has food in her mouth!
So, now the girls are in bed sleeping and I hope they sleep well tonight! They should from the day of play and fun! Thanks again for having us Nina! Happy Birthday Alyssa and you really know how to throw a party! We love you!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Today we started off with heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. Lillian and Lydia loved them and I think Lydia enjoyed ripping them to shreds and throwing them on the floor! But, we managed to make it through breakfast, get all dressed up for church and even made it on time. WHEW!
Of course, church is always a fun time and "exciting" too. You never know what I will be doing at church....everything but listening to the sermon! It is a shame because Ryan, our pastor, always has such great sermons and I know the lessons pertain to me, but I spend my time chasing Lydia, getting drinks, picking up food off the floor and telling the girls to be quiet. Just when I think I have it under control Lydia has to scream, "Mama!" right in the middle of prayer time! But, we made it through and Lillian stayed for Sunday School.
Then, we all had lunch together and Lillian wanted to make heart shaped sandwiches. They were also a hit and once again, Lydia enjoyed tearing the sandwich to shreds and throwing all the crumbs on the ground. She is a hoot! Daddy called in the middle of lunch just to say happy valentine's day. We had a chance to get on Skype for about 5 minutes. It was nice to see his face and the girls loved it too. Lydia just kept waving to Rich! Then, being the Martin household, Lydia started getting into everything and the girls started fighting. It gave Rich a taste of home!
So, as you can see, the house is nuts and crazy as always. But, one thing it always has too, is love! I know the times sounds insane in this house and they are, but I always remind myself it is full of laughter and love. And not just one day, but everyday. Lydia loves her big sister so much and doesn't know what to without her. She hugs Lillian at naptime, bedtime and every time we drop her off for school. The girls fight, but they always make up in the end.
So, we end the day with stuffed animals and candy. Of course, Lydia loved the candy more than the stuffed animal and tore into two snickers before naptime. And Lillian, just the opposite...didn't even open one piece of candy and named her dog right away! They are so alike and so different all at once!
Happy Valentine's honey and wish you were home. We missed you and we are so glad you enjoyed all your treats too. And thank you for calling today too! So nice to hear your voice and see your smiling face. We miss you and can't wait to have you home soon! You are the best Valentine ever to the girls and I. Good night booh!
Today I had the honor of taking Lillian to the Daddy/Daughter Luncheon at her school. Rich had the pleasure of taking Lillian last year, but due to him being in Iraq, mommy got to go this year. I was so happy to be there with her and to make it a special day for her.
She woke up on fire this morning and was so ready to get all decked out in her Valentine clothes. She was dressed head to toe in pink, red and white hearts! She even wanted to wear a little make up to school this morning. She is so like her mommy! :) Even Lydia got all dressed up in her Valentine clothes!
I dropped Lillian off at school and she was beaming! I told her I would see her for lunch and she just smiled. Lydia and I went to Kindermusik to show off all of her Valentine clothes! :) Those two little ones are adorable together. Before we left Lillian at school, Lydia jumped down off my hip and ran into Lillian's classroom to give her one last hug. They melt my heart!
I made it back for the luncheon and picked Lillian up at her room. She came running to the door and said, "Let's go mommy!" I gave her some flowers and she was thrilled and said, "How did you know mommy? It is exactly what I wanted!" She was ready to see the room all decorated and eat her Chick Fil A meal. They sat us at our table and the place was so adorable! It was filled with pink, white and red hearts outlined with zebra print. The centerpieces were lovely too! Each child had made a place mat for themselves and for their guest. They also got to decorate two cookies- one for the guest and one for themselves. Also, we had a nice magnet put together for us with a picture of Lillian. And even flowers with candy! It was complete with a photo op! What a great job all the volunteers did at St. Francis and I thank them for making it such a special day!All their hard work paid off for sure!
We ate our lunch, took our picture and then Lillian walked around like a movie star. She thought it was the coolest day ever and was thrilled I was there for her. I will admit when I walked into the school this afternoon, I teared up a little. I told myself I wouldn't cry, but I am so emotional! I thought that Lillian would feel weird having her mom there when everyone else would have their dad considering it was the Daddy/Daughter Luncheon. But, you know what, she didn't notice anything weird at all! She was just glad I was there and enjoyed seeing all her friends. She is such a happy little girl and she was all smiles today! I know she missed her daddy today, but I think she just somehow understood in her little five year old mind that daddy couldn't be here today. She is wise beyond her years at times!
So, now both girls are sleeping and I am thinking of today. I got to have special one on one time with both my girls. How lucky am I? Happy Valentine's Day!
Today we started off Valentine week! We went to story time this morning and had a Valentine party. All the kiddos got to decorate white paper bags with red, white and pink hearts. Even Lydia tried to decorate her bag...okay, maybe she just wanted to eat the glue!
The kiddos listened to a story about love, sang some songs and even did Simon Says. Then, it was time for the Valentine exchange. The children put Valentine cards in each bag that was decorated. Lillian wrote all her cards this year and signed her name and Lydia's name to each card. I was impressed! She had 30 to do for today. Lillian was excited to place them in the bags and even more excited to see what she received!
We all brought goodies with us and of course, this was Lydia's favorite part. She ate two cookies and kept going back for more. I finally had to pull her out of the library in order to keep her from eating too much! She is a mess when it comes to food! We went to Chuck E Cheese this past weekend and she ate five pieces of pizza and then had a snack in the car on the way home. Then, we had a cook out with friends on Sunday and she had a snack before dinner, ate dinner, ate three brownies, ate cookie crisp cereal on the way home and then found some pretzels and was eating them before bedtime. I was about to vomit watching how much she consumed! I told her gluttony was a sin! heeh ee She always makes me laugh!
Lillian is doing well too! She is reading now and enjoys reading me at least one book a day. She is enjoying school too. I can't believe how tall she has gotten this year and she is almost as tall as me now. Seriously! She has grown up a lot and reminds me everyday to be patient! :)Love you all and Happy Valentine's! Hope you can all be with the ones you love this year!