Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Today we started off with heart shaped pancakes for breakfast. Lillian and Lydia loved them and I think Lydia enjoyed ripping them to shreds and throwing them on the floor! But, we managed to make it through breakfast, get all dressed up for church and even made it on time. WHEW!

Of course, church is always a fun time and "exciting" too. You never know what I will be doing at church....everything but listening to the sermon! It is a shame because Ryan, our pastor, always has such great sermons and I know the lessons pertain to me, but I spend my time chasing Lydia, getting drinks, picking up food off the floor and telling the girls to be quiet. Just when I think I have it under control Lydia has to scream, "Mama!" right in the middle of prayer time! But, we made it through and Lillian stayed for Sunday School.

Then, we all had lunch together and Lillian wanted to make heart shaped sandwiches. They were also a hit and once again, Lydia enjoyed tearing the sandwich to shreds and throwing all the crumbs on the ground. She is a hoot! Daddy called in the middle of lunch just to say happy valentine's day. We had a chance to get on Skype for about 5 minutes. It was nice to see his face and the girls loved it too. Lydia just kept waving to Rich! Then, being the Martin household, Lydia started getting into everything and the girls started fighting. It gave Rich a taste of home!

So, as you can see, the house is nuts and crazy as always. But, one thing it always has too, is love! I know the times sounds insane in this house and they are, but I always remind myself it is full of laughter and love. And not just one day, but everyday. Lydia loves her big sister so much and doesn't know what to without her. She hugs Lillian at naptime, bedtime and every time we drop her off for school. The girls fight, but they always make up in the end.

So, we end the day with stuffed animals and candy. Of course, Lydia loved the candy more than the stuffed animal and tore into two snickers before naptime. And Lillian, just the opposite...didn't even open one piece of candy and named her dog right away! They are so alike and so different all at once!

Happy Valentine's honey and wish you were home. We missed you and we are so glad you enjoyed all your treats too. And thank you for calling today too! So nice to hear your voice and see your smiling face. We miss you and can't wait to have you home soon! You are the best Valentine ever to the girls and I. Good night booh!



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