Friday, May 13, 2011

How Does Your Kinder-Garden Grow?

Lillian had her Kindergarten program this morning. The show was adorable! Lillian and her classmates had learned a song from every month beginning last August. They performed today one song per every month. It showed the growth of Kindergarten this past year. The songs were adorable and all the kiddos did great with memorizing the words and hand motions. They even had a little phrase each to say at the microphone.

At the end, Lillian received her diploma. I can't believe this is coming to an end so soon! I have enjoyed seeing her grow up. Her legs are long and skinny, she is toothless, she is extrememly OUTGOING, and even how she plays with her friends has changed so much this year. Just yesterday I asked her to push her sister on the swing at the playgroud and she said, "I can't mom! I am playing freeze tag with my friends!" Just last year she wouldn't leave my side and now I can't keep her near me. All part of growing up!

Happy Kindergarden Graduation Lillian! You have been amazing this year in so many ways and challenged me every step of the way. We are so proud of you! Lydia adores her big sister and she has a great role model in you!


You are a very special person
And you should know,
How I loved to have you in my care
How fast the years did go!

Please come back to visit me
As through the grades you go
Try hard to learn all that you can
There's so much to know

One thing I tried to teach you
To last your whole life through,
Is to know that you are special
Just because, you are you!

Thank you Mrs. Keeley! Thank you for placing Lillian in such a nurturing environment and challenging her to think and stay strong. We will always remember you!


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