Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Chapa's House

Well, what can I say! Another FANTASTIC Easter with the Chapa Family! I have been waiting a whole year to finally get Nina back from getting me first last year with a confetti egg! And I did...sort of! We got each other at the same time! What fun!

Every year we look forward to going to Nina's parents house for Easter. That is every year we are stationed in TX! I plotted and planned and it all came down to us running for each other at the same time and whack! We landed the first confetti eggs and the games began! Everyone running around like mad people in the backyard whacking each other over the head and who loves it the most...kiddos or adults? I am not sure! This is Lillian's favorite part of Easter and she managed to get everyone this year including her sister and I! I have confetti in my hair, in the van and other places! :) I will be seeing confetti showing up for weeks!

Lydia, on the otherhand, didn't like the confetti egg part today. She thought we were all hurt and from the first time Nina whacked me she started crying and didn't stop. I tried to explain it to her, but really, she is only 18 months old. She was so upset, but how sweet! She was taking up for her mama! I will say it is loud, people are running and you can get hurt...Lillian even has a few red scratch marks on her scalp! :) We are too wild for our own good!

We also had a wonderful egg hunt and pinata. Lydia managed to out eat everyone, but not in the healthy way! She had so much chocolate that I was about to vomit. I finally had to cut her off after she was the last one lingering around the open pinata! I can't even tell you all the chocolate she had today and it was all my fault! And to end the night...she decided to poop on the way home from the Chapa's house. And who could blame her with all the junk in her belly! Doesn't sound too bad...but, it was all over the car seat, clothes and down her legs when we pulled into the driveway! UGH!! Is this really part of being a mom on Easter? :)

Now, the girls are both in bed and I am still finding confetti! Good night girls and thanks to Nina and her family for another great Easter! Tomorrow we will see what the Easter bunny brings and I hope it isn't chocolate!!!! Love you all and good night!



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