Saturday, August 21, 2010

First Lunch at School

Lillian had her first lunch at school yesterday. She is still on half days until August 30th, but it was early dismissal for the district yesterday. So, all children went to school from 8:05am until 1:30pm. Lillian was nervous about having lunch at school and a part of me was nervous too. I know it seems like such little steps to most parents, but it is hard for me to let her go into this "world of school."

I saw her sweet face line up for lunch and I was thrilled to see her with her friends. They all marched into the lunch room which seems like chaos to me. I know they have the routine down pat because this school does an amazing job, but to me it seems like everyone is everywhere. But, they find their teacher's name on the table and begin to eat. But, I had to help several children open applesauce containers, open bags of chips and go get spoons. I am just so glad I was there to help and I worry that someone will help them when I am not there. Yes, I know I sound silly and I tell my head that all the time, but what can over rule your heart? Yes, I know someone will help them, but once again, what can over rule my emotional heart?

Lydia enjoyed eating lunch with Lillian. She sat down right beside her sister and didn't make a peep which is unusual for my children. All the Kindergarteners were silent and barely moved. But, Second Grade was in full swing! They managed to get in trouble three times and ended up with a silent lunch for Monday. Just made me smile! :) I know Lillian will be there one day too cutting up with her friends and swinging from the ceiling! It is only a matter of time before everyone settles into their new routine and then let the talking and trouble commence for all! :)

It was a wonderful time with Lillian and it only lasted 30 minutes. That time felt like a lifetime to the children! They cleaned up and marched out of the cafeteria and back to their classroom. Isn't it amazing how much things never change and we have been out of school for how long now? Do you think our parents felt the same way over something as small as lunch time? I hope so because it means I am normal. :) But, in the end, who wants to be NORMAL!!!

Love you all!


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