Friday, August 5, 2011

VBS 2011

PANDAMANIA hit Fort Leavenworth, Kansas this summer! And yes it was loud, wild and out of a GREAT way! Lillian attended Vacation Bible School on post this week. Can you believe she attended along with 532 of her closest friends? It was a great way to end our summer.

The volunteers were amazing! I can't imagine the effort it took to pull off all the crafts, activities, snacks, music and dancing that the kiddos learned in three days. Lillian and some of the children (volunteer basis) performed tonight at Frontier Chapel. They show cased what they learned this week and sang four songs. I recored three of them. You can not see Lillian due to the mass amount of children, but she was there singing her heart out and doing her motions. She had such a fantastic time and is ready to go back next year. Lydia wants to attend too and she might make the age cut off! :) Either way, she is always there to support her big sister!

We have had a wonderful summer with visits to Hancock Pool, Wollman Aquatic Center, CoCo Keys, Worlds of Fun, Schlitterbaun, splash pads, friends visiting us from Texas and us visiting friends in Texas. I can't even begin to list all the wonderful activities the family has had this summer.

Now, we are entering another year at Fort Leavenworth. Lillian starts 1st grade on Tuesday and is thrilled she got the teacher she wanted, okay mom wanted! :) Lydia and I will hold the fort down all day long and keep insanely busy. Both girls will start dance back up soon in September (Lillian will take jazz, ballet/tap and dance team and Lydia will take ballet/tap), Girls Scouts will start back up this month and Lillian will continue to take swimming lessons. I almost forgot Lydia will have gymnastics too!

So, as you can see, the fun goes on and on and on...for the kiddos or for me???
Love you all and enjoy what is left of summer!


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