Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tooth Fairy Here We Come...

What an exciting day!!! Lillian's bottom two teeth have been lose for nearly 6 months now. We have been waiting patiently, eating apples and wiggling every free minute of the day. Her preschool teacher even told her to take her hands out of her mouth, but she reminded Mrs. Sweeden that she couldn't because she had to wiggle that tooth out! :) I am sure her teacher loved that comment and smiled!

But, today, it finally came out! And guess where? At lunch at McAlister's eating a hot dog with mac-n-cheese. And to make it even better we were there with our AWESOME friends Jessica, Jack and Lily. Lillian quickly explained the ordeal to Lily who is one year younger than her and even mentioned she was an "expert" on teeth. I just laughed!

Her tooth started bleeding while she was eating and I told her to just let me clean the blood. And I just barely pulled and out that tooth came! She was so excited and was full of energy at the restaurant. She couldn't believe it and loves her toothless smile. The one beside it is about to come out too!

So, now she is all grown up and a big girl. We go from baby teeth coming in one by one to losing them one by one. I remember working so hard for those teeth- Lillian was not an easy baby when it came to teeth coming in! :) I always joked with her not to knock a tooth out because I EARNED everyone of those teeth. And now they are leaving and she is growing up into a beautiful young little girl. She has such a spirit and a strong one. Look at that beautiful toothless smile!

Now, what should the tooth fairy bring?

Love you all!


Ps- And while I was cleaning blood from her mouth and snapping pictures, Lydia smeared mac-n-cheese all over her to include her hair! :)


  1. Yay Lillian!!! Growing up WAY too fast!! Please post to let us know what the tooth fairy brings you!

  2. WE WILL WE WILL!!! Thanks Carla!

  3. YEAH!!!! I'm sure she cannot wait to share with Abby!!! :)

  4. That was so awesome! Lillian's face was priceless when she discovered that you had her tooth in your hand! We had a blast with you girls like always, big hugs!
