Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day at the Lake!

Today we loaded up and headed to the lake. Poor Lydia had to miss her morning nap in order to make it this morning, but she hung in there like a champ. We met our great friends out there- Rhandi, Allyson, Brian, William, Jessica, Lily and Jack. It was fun to have a lot of friends around to play with Lillian and Lydia.

We played in the lake and of course, Lydia dropped my sunglasses in the lake. This seems to be the theme for us because she did this the last time we went to the lake too. So, maybe it is my fault and I shouldn't give them to her, but she has a thing for my sunglasses. Just ask Lillian! :)

Lydia did a great job walking in the lake and sand and stayed in the water for a while. They is hard for her because she doesn't like being held when she knows she could be walking somewhere. She could walk a million miles! And Lillian made sandcastles with her friends and even played Ring Around the Rosie in the water. This time she actually got the idea of how to make a sand castle and really tried to do her best. She also loved going under water and swimming around in the lake. Of course, it isn't the cleanest water, but how do you tell that to a 4 year old little girl who thinks it is the best thing ever!? What is that disease Rhandi that you get from the lake? This is the problem when you have a friend who is a pharmacist! :) You know to many bad things! :)

We all had lunch and then swam a little more before Lydia was ready to go home for a nap. She cried all the way home and was trying to cry in her sleep in the car seat. She was exhausted from her day at the lake! Funny, I have one exhausted and napping and the other one acts like she has enough energy for two weeks of play. Of course, Lillian didn't want to leave the lake, but that is part of the deal when you are the BIG Sister! :)

Thanks to all my friends who made today so nice! Thanks for going with us and for putting up with our wild family. We are a lot to handle!!! Love to you all!



  1. Yes I freak out every time Allyson sticks her face in that murky water. I know my child will be the child that gets pseudomonas or e coli. I just have that luck. I'm that crazy

  2. I had to talk about you! :) You get me thinking about these things and then it is all I think about. I just couldn't spell that big word! hee hee
