Saturday, August 8, 2009

Go Cowgirls!!

Today we went to Stevie's 3rd birthday party. Lillian was so excited to get all dressed up in her cowgirl clothes. She had a pink cowgirl hat and bandanna to tie the whole outfit together. And to top it off....cowboy boots! She borrowed the boots from her pal- Ayden. Lucky, the boots fit her perfect! And thanks to that little outfit...Lillian won Best Dressed today at the party! Way to go Lillian! :)

By the way, it was a cowboy theme party and so adorable. Stephanie, Stevie's mom, had decorated the place so cute and even had wanted posters hanging on the wall of all the children that attended this evening. Lillian asked me, "Why am I hanging on the wall?" I told her she was wanted and she said, "Why?" So hard to explain that concept to her at this age. Lillian played in the bounce house and with all her friends all afternoon. And you can only guess what I was doing.... go ahead and guess... yes, walking Lydia around and sweating in the 101 degree weather.

After we ate dinner, we then headed to the cowboy pinata. Lillian is getting really good at these and really tried to hit it hard. Stephanie got a super duper one and it took all the kids and then her to crack this one open. But, they all did it and all the candy fell to the ground and then the hunt was on! Candy was flying everywhere! :)

The day ended with a pony ride. Lillian and Lydia each rode the pony. Lillian was so excited to ride the pony and stood in line like a big girl without complaining one time. And when Lydia was starting to get fussy (we were behind Lillian in line), then Lillian let her little sister go first. It was so sweet! She kept telling the owners of the pony, "Don't forget my little sister!" Now, that melts my heart!
Lillian didn't want to leave and talked about Stephanie's house all the way home and how she wanted to go back. She even asked if the pony would still be there. Both girls had a great time and so did I! I will say, I was running around with my head chopped off for most of the party. All the other babies Lydia's age were just quietly sitting there in the living room or rolling around on their tummies. Not my wild woman...she had me running and sweating! How do I end up with two wild women in my life? Just lucky I guess! :)

Love to you all!


Ps- Thanks Stephanie for a great evening!


  1. You are welcome! It was an amazing party! Thanks again for the great cd!!
