Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Day of Church!!

Okay, another first!! I know it has been a weekend full of first times for Lydia. But, today we decided to all make it to church. Lillian goes every week with Diane and her 18 month old daughter, Elika. They live in my neighborhood and Diane is also the pastor's wife. Since Lydia was born, Diane has continued to take Lillian to church and Sunday school every week. She has been a blessing to me! Lillian loves church and it was wonderful to have help when I needed it and still do!

Lydia's morning nap is usually during church, so I didn't have the option to take Lillian. Last week, Lydia dropped to one nap and that opens new opportunities for us. We all went this morning. I would like to say it went smooth, but I can't! :) I kept Lydia in the service at the beginning because we do a lot of singing and I thought that would entertain her for a little while. She enjoyed the music and even danced. But, then she started to get stir crazy and started to fuss. I decided it was time to take her to the nursery. We only had 30 minutes left of the service.

She did okay in the beginning in the nursery and then she fell apart! She had tears all down her face and was screaming. I heard her in the service and went and got her. She was screaming and as soon as I picked her up she was okay. She instantly stopped crying and put her head on my shoulder. Poor thing! It broke my heart into a million pieces! She calmed down and then we went back into the service.

Once the singing started again, then she was in the aisle dancing with Lillian. She got a lot of attention! We tried this morning and that is all we can do! I have to keep trying, but it is hard to know your child is upset and all she needs is you! I am proud of her for trying!

Love you all,



  1. I deal with this very thing taking my boys to church. Aaron is about 50/50 as to whether he will stay in the nursery or not. We had a successful day today, but have had total meltdown on others. Hopefully Lydia and Aaron both will get better about it as they get older. It is nice to be able to go to church and enjoy the service, but I hate hearing that he cried the entire time.

  2. I know! This is so hard on me knowing she is in there just crying. It breaks my heart and I only wish she would have a good time. But, Lillian really wants me in church too! It is a double edge sword right now! Good luck to you!!!
