Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I have a Walker!!

Yes, the big day has finally arrived!! Lydia is officially a walker and is walking all over the place. BY HERSELF!! No holding onto my finger anymore. She started about three days ago and is just zooming everywhere now. I now find her climbing onto chairs (all her level), foot stools and even Lillian. The best is watching Lydia walk to me with a big smile on her face with her nose crinkled and giving me a big hug. She is so proud of herself!

Lillian is really enjoying this stage. She loves walking all over the house with Lydia and helping her stand up when she falls down. Lydia can pull up, but she has big sister just waiting to help her. That is why Lydia is spoiled rotten! :) Lillian says she thinks her sister is funny now and just loves to help her walk.

Tonight, the girls played tag. Okay, Lydia didn't have a clue, but she thought it was hysterical when Lillian ran up to her and said, "Tag, you are it!" Then, Lydia would try to catch up to sister. Lydia isn't quite as fast as Lillian just yet! But, it really was the first time I have seen them truly interact with one another and enjoy being sisters. Lillian has had a really hard time being the older sister and not being able to play with me as much as she used too. It has been a big adjustment on her and tonight I truly saw the light. It was great to see them bond over tag and become closer. It made my heart warm and I felt like they were becoming friends. I know that is silly to feel such over just one silly game, but sometimes you just know it is a defining moment....and it was for them.

Lydia is now into everything and we have to go find her in the house. Her second game she might like to play is Hide and Seek. I turn my back for a moment this afternoon and Lillian and I couldn't find Lydia. Where was she? Hiding in the shower curtain! It is great seeing her walk just days before her 1st birthday. And you know what? My back feels awesome now!

Love you all!


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